Channel: Premiere Gal
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: censor bleep audiocensorship beepadobe creative cloudpremiere probars and toneaudio premiere prohow to censor swear words in videoscensor bleepbleep sound effecthow to censor audio in premiere provideo editingpremiere galadobe premiere proenvato elementsbleepcensorship soundessential graphicshow to create bars and tone in premierebars and tone premiere procensorhow to censor audiohow to censor beep audiocensorship
Description: Get 70% off Envato Elements: _______________________________________ ► ABOUT TUTORIAL ▶️ In this Adobe Premiere Pro 2022 tutorial, Premiere Gal shows you how censor bleep or beep out swear words with bars and tone and fun animal noises. You'll also learn how to use the Essential Graphics Panel to censor the mouth of the person talking with text and shapes. ➜ Download and Try Premiere Pro with Gal's link: ➜ Support Gal on Patreon for more tips: ⭐ Useful Transition Plugins for Premiere ➜FilmImpact Transitions: (use code: PREMIEREGAL10 for 10% off) ______________________________________ GAL'S EDITING TOOLS AND GEAR 🎥 ➜ Audio Plugins and YouTube Video Gear: ➜ High Quality Music for Video: (30 days free) ➜ High Quality Stock Video from Artgrid: (+2 free months) ________________________________________ ►TIME CODES ⏱️ 0:00 Intro 0:12 Cut out the word 1:06 Create Bars and tone 2:39 How to Add Animal Noises as a Bleep 4:52 How to Visually Bleep out with Essential Graphics ____________________________________________________________ FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL ➜ ➜ ➜ Website ➜ For sponsors: Affiliate Disclaimer: Some of these links in this description are affiliate links. I'll earn a small commission if you make a purchase and it's no additional cost to you. #CensorBeep #PremierePro #Bleep