Channel: KamaTV
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: dating advicedating advice for menhow to avoid looking desperate?how to stop being clingyhow to not look desperate to a girldating coachdating coach for menrelationship advicehow to stop being desperate in a relationshiphow to stop being insecurehow not to be desperate and needyhow to stop being needydatingstop being needywhat can i do to not look desperate?dating tipshow to not be needyneedydating tips for men
Description: Click on the link below to view our eBooks and products Dating Guide for Men How to avoid looking desperate? Hello, guys! Thank you for joining us today. I’m your expert dating and lifestyles coach, Emre from And I’m joined by a brilliant dating coach, Gabriella, who is also from As a guy, you silently know that dating is survival for the fittest. You have to impress a woman one way or the other to score her. But at what’s the line between trying to impress a woman and looking desperate? In this video, we’ll look at the top 10 tips on how to avoid looking desperate: Before we start please click that cheeky subscribe button and turn on the notifications as there will be many videos coming into your way! 1. Don’t rationalize bad treatment That’s right. A desperate look drains all the sex appeal from a guy. There are things people do for love and for the sake of maintaining a relationship but one thing that will make you look desperate is when you start to rationalize poor treatment from a woman. There’s a basic respect that couples should have in a relationship or new people have for each other. If you can’t feel that the effort is two-way, then it’s time to walk away. 2. Know what you want. I agree with that. Understanding your worth is very crucial when you dive into the dating space. Another way to avoid looking desperate is by knowing what you want in a woman and a relationship. You meet a lot of beautiful women with different ideas and perspectives of things. When you don’t know what you want, you’ll not know what you are willing to give. That will make the boundaries between impressing a woman and looking desperate blurrier for you. Ebooks are on sale at How to Get Girls to Chase You Dating Guide for men Become An Alpha Male Carpe Diem Get Her Crazy In Bed Introverted Casanova Social Anxiety Conversation Hacks Confidence Booster Durable Confidence for Men The Sexual Master The Persuasion Master Script Builder Conversation Booster Emre is an author, dating coach, and CEO/founder of Kamalifestyles. He has written books that sold thousands of copies over a decade. Emre trained and coached many clients from all over the world and men of all ages on how to improve their confidence, relationships, and dating. He has expertise in confidence, approach, and attraction and has been featured in top newspapers and radios. He is passionate on helping his clients to achieve great outcomes and make sure they are not held back by the limitations. Gabriella Ryan is Kamalifestyles youtube presenter and she regularly publishes videos on different dating topics on KamaTV. She also takes part in infield training's by helping our dating coaches. She brings the female perspective and gives honest feedback to the clients in relation to what women think in certain situations. Our clients say “her honest feedback into the female mind is very good and shockingly interesting”. Leave a Comment letting us know what you think. If you enjoyed make sure you like, share and subscribe! Hope you enjoy! • To stay up to date on dating advice subscribe to the KamaTV channel • Dating advice and dating training at • Find us on facebook • Follow us on twitter • Follow us on instagram #datingadviceformen, #datingcoach, #dating