Channel: Gaijin Goombah
Category: Education
Tags: shinobigaijin goombah which ninjajapangi joe snake eyeswhich ninjajapanese historygaijin goombah ninjagaijin goombag.i. joeninja historyg.i. joe snake eyesninjagi joe origins snake eyesgi joegaijin goombahninja culturesnake eyesjapanese culture
Description: Last video we only covered the BASICS of G.I. Joe's Snake Eyes and how "ninja" he really was. Well you asked for it, so here's the near 18 minute follow up to REALLY show just how ninja this G.I. Jonin really is! Support us on Patreon! ► Subscribe for more! ► Hang out on our Streams! ► Which Ninja theme songs by NoteBlock Remix on YouTube! Research Books and Media: Bansenshukai Naruhodo Ninja Ozukan The Ninja Shinobitte Nanja? Ninja Attack!: True Tales of Assassins, Samurai, and Outlaws #snakeeyes, #whichninja, #gaijingoombah