Channel: Simply Betta
Category: Pets & Animals
Tags: aquarium rack systemled shelf lightingfish room shelffish room lightingaquarium rackbetta fish tank rackdiy fish tank rackfish room setupdiy aquarium rackbetta barracksfish room buildfish tank rackfish tank rack buildfish room shelvingdiy fish roomfish room tourhow to build an aquarium rackdiy fish tank stand
Description: My fish room is literally a spare bathroom - my shelving made all the difference! I'll give a quick overview about how I did it. I'm not going over dimensions, cuts, etc, because measurements are subjective depending on your own space and tanks and requirements! Instead check out what I did and learn from it! Let me know if this inspires you or gives you your own ideas on how to work with awkward spaces! Destruction of the Fish Room Series! 1st video - 2nd Video - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Instagram! ► • My Online Store! ► • Patreon! ►