Channel: Macerly
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: studyhow i study in lockdownuniversityhow i studyhow i study onlinehow i stay productivestudy onlinemacerly universitynotionproductivityorganizeproductivelockdownonlinemacerlystudy and stay productivestudy and organizehow i organize my notionproductive online
Description: (ad) You guys have asked me so many times how I study, stay productive and organized now that university and all classes are online. Here's how I do it! Sign up for a free account and get 20% off Grammarly Premium: Instagram @macerlyofficial STUFF I LOVE AND USE 💻 Laptop stand: ⌨️ Laptop keyboard: 📓 My notebooks: ✂️ Where I edit photos, graphics and video elements: WHERE I BUY DISCOUNTED TEXTBOOKS, SCHOOL SUPPLIES. (Sign up for free trial!) 📚 Amazon Student: SOCIALS 📸 Instagram: 🇳🇴 Norwegian YouTube: MUSIC: by Fiji Blue - Home - by Fiji Blue - Affection - by Gil Wanders - Dreams - Timestamps: 0:00 Intro (Explaining how I study) 1:40 Morning Study Session (Lectures and Readings) 3:23 School Study Session (Tutorial Work) 5:30 School Study Session (Coursework) 7:27 Evening Study Session (How I organize Lectures and Readings) 10:22 How I organize my days 10:58 How I plan w/Notion 12:25 How I plan w/Google Calendar 13:11 How I use Google Drive WHO AM I? 🥰🥰 My name is Madeleine or Maddie for short, and this is my YouTube channel/baby! I'm a 20 years old business student living in London. I make videoes about university, productivity, lifestyle, business and speak openly about stuff others don't. I'm also Norwegian, 173cm and very into history, organizing and cleaning. 📧 Contact: Psssst!: Some of the links here are affiliate links, meaning I make a commission from them! Disclaimer: This video is kindly sponsored by Grammarly. This is an ad. #Grammarly