Channel: LYZABETH LOPEZ - Fitness & Nutrition
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: how tohiit workoutlean legssprinthiit traininghow to build your glutescardiotreadmill sprintepocrunningfitnessinterval trainingsprintsburn fatpersonal trainerbootyhigh intensityfat burnlose fatspintinglose weighthow to lose fathow to runafterburn effecthow to run fasterweight losshealthhiit treadmilltreadmill workouttreadmill workoutslose weight fasthourglass workoutbest home workoutworkouthome workouttreadmill
Description: Start your FREE trial for my hourglass shaping FITNESS APP at or search TWL in the app store. 📱 Here is a full tutorial on my two favourite sprint workouts. The first is more muscular endurance 'cardio style' sprint workout (that will leave you in puddles of sweat if done properly) and the second is more of a proper format everything you got sprint with adequate rest to really maximize your fat burn EPOC (Excess post oxygen consumption) after-burn effect to super charge your 24-48 hr fat-burn capacity... you could literally burn a higher amount of calories for up to 2 days after this workout. Personally, I mix up the two styles as I'm a huge fan of variety in training. I love treadmill sprints, but outdoor sprints are amazing if you have somewhere close by to make it a part of your routine. Sprint #1 2 minute warm up jog 1 minute rest 1 minute sprint 30 second rest *if you make it anywhere from 45 seconds to 1 minute on your next round you will go up in speed by 1.0 Continue to rest for 30 seconds for each rest phase and try to make ti to :45 seconds to 1 minute for each sprint. If you can no longer make it to at least :45, then you will not increase your speed. I continue this routine for a total of 20 minutes including warming up, rests and cool down. Sprint #2 2 minute arm up jog take the treadmill as fast as you think you can sprint. Stop when you need to. If you sprint for longer than :15 seconds, the next sprint you raise by 1.0 speed. Rest for 1-3 minutes (as long as you need to get your energy back and breathing almost back to normal. repeat for a total for 5 sprints If in either sprint you're not ready to raise by 1.0 each round, then raise by what you are ready for i.e. 0.5. Do not try this without checking with your doctor first and checking with a personal trainer to ensure your form is safe and you know how to get on and off a treadmill properly. This workout video is not a recommendation, but rather that I am showing you what I do for myself and my clients to get lean very quickly. (disclaimer) Personally I get the best results doing this in the morning on an empty stomach drinking water with BCAA's. Please show some love in the comments with a LIKE - it truly helps my channel so much as well as a comment - both helps youtube to recommend my videos to others. Thank you so much for this:) Happy Training everyone. Pls show Desire & Sara some love in the comments!!! (they really worked for ya'll) Amazing video production by GoButton Media! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Check out more of my glute training videos here: Build your BUTT, not your THIGHS! Best Tips for Building your Bum Faster! My Fave Booty Day Workout How to build your Booty at Home 10 min Real-Time Booty Building Home Workout Beginner Guild to Booty Building Best 5 Booty Building Exercises for Naturally Thick Girls Best 5 Booty Building Exercises for Naturally Skinny Girls JOIN ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: INSTAGRAM -- -- FACEBOOK -- -- YOUTUBE-- -- TWITTER -- -- SNAPCHAT -- -- Check out my website for all other details: Media/Sponsorship contact: Want more?? Try my curve building survey to get answers for your exact body type. Check it out at: