Channel: History Matters
Category: Education
Description: China was country number five to acquire nuclear weapons. However, when it began this process it was not exactly in a strong position having just been damaged by a civil war, cut off by its closest ally and suffering economic ruin. Which makes the fact that China acquired nuclear weapons all the more interesting. But how did China do it? How did China get nukes? To find out watch this short and simple animated history documentary. Patreon: Merch: A special thanks to all of these Patrons below, without whom the show wouldn't be possible: Heath Robertson Michael Kram William Kaan Franco La Bruna Azlow the Lion Southside Mitch Andrew Partington John Ethan Godden Matthew Literovich Ryan Schindeler JakeBak0905 Hasmuffin Christian & Penny Gray Steven Gibson sharpie660 Gerald Armstrong Alex Teplyakov Travis Mount Philip Yip Richard Manklow Joshua Rackstraw Christopher Godfrey Shauna K Andrea Dekrout Jane Sumpter Aaron Conaway Samantha O'Leary Phoenix Fats Joooooshhhhhh Piotr Wojnowski Vance Christiaanse Joerg Schiemann Ron Johnson Porkmeister Andreas Mosand Paul Franche Coolin Castleman James Fouts Jack Nelson James Anthony Tat Tvam Asi Erik Hare Konstantin Bredyuk Andrew F Phillip Gathright Windischgraetz Colonel Oneill Arthur Hosey Jr. Baste João Santos Eugene Delacroix Tactical_Jackal David Johnston zockotron Sethars Dana Spurgeon HelloAgain Nicholas Menghini Roman Kynčl Cody Yarger Wesley Helgeson Matthew Toles Hugo Fernando Snowdon Liam Gilleece Allen Rines Isabel Harrison Chris Winther Mark Hoffman Ciege Engine Ian Smith Dullis Ian Jensen John Garcia Tim Lane Serius_Loyola Leena Al-Souki Sahni Zach Rust Matt Reed Robert Woodward Ricardo Salcedo Wilhelm Screamer Dr. Howard Dr. Fine Dr. Howard Clayton Schuman michael martin Mickey Landen William Adderholdt Michael Galloway Harley Raptopoulos Bradley Backoff Chris Weisel ARandomPaperClip Chase Labiste Shawn Morse Imperial Pony David Silverman Matthew O'Connor Andrew Patane Vilena5 Michael Myers Bernice KNSTRKTVST Joseph Hutchins Anthony McCann No way Keith A. Layton JAY ALAN EDELMAN Steve Bonds David van Reyk Perry Gagne Joshua Rosenberg Bartosz Zasada Thomas McGill Hexapuma bas mensink Marty Myers Gnar Slabdash Yossi Vainshtein Juan Castillo Abhijeeth Warren Rudkin Palavro Raymond He Nathan Snyder BattleGoat Studios Ahmed Roshdi emccabe Alex Slepak Joseph Reinsch Curt Helmerich Magdalena Reinberg-Leibel Pierre Le Mouel Oliver Jenner David Patrick Bucko James Bisonette Fan #1 Dima Volodin Nathan Ngumi Andrew Niedbala Steven Mastronardo Tim Stumbaugh Aaron Larrow Christian Vasquez Leon Colm Byrne Malcolm Estus Clay Carroll Benjamin Bowring Dexter_McAaron Chach Parth Sagdeo Bryan Linsley Stefan Møller Alex Kihurani Melissa Prober Alen Joel Cromwell Yared Cristiano Cnut The Average Tino Vegard Tønnessen kevinh Mars Project Brian Giordano Dakota Brunell Richard Wolfe ZCoupon Nicolas IDontThinkYouCare Käs James Bernardo Santos Joseph Kerckhoff Scott O'Donnell nullptr Peter Marino anon Burt Clothier Michael Dierker Gordon Wilson Thomas Wang Ken Warner Tristan Kreller Mirza Ahmed Justin Pearson Adam Rabung Jeremy Arghhhhh Victor Warmflash SirAlpaka Scott P Qi Xiao Ryan Haber Pat Stahl LambOfLeg Yuichiro Kakutani Coper Mark Littlehale D. Mahlik blaZzinG_FurY I'm Not In The Description Joker 54 Kevin Phoenix Joshua A Bishop Robert Brockway Matthew Trimborn Yick Chung Keith Garvey Justin Pratt Matt Conger Phil and Lisa Toland Robert Mitchell Alex G. Mark Ploegstra Gregory Priebe Jeremy Mik Scheper Colonel Cheng William Wold John Orr mohd Colm Boyle Sean D. Andrey Listochkin Franklin Sousa Now Seibert Matthew Hogan Léon M. Zachary Oertel Peter A Titov Casey Frye Riley davidson Christopher Lichtenberg Jeffrey Schneider Ainar Garipov Kinfe85 Max Towles Tyler Jenkins Hedrin אורי פרקש Dragan Wolf Michael Wagner Donald Weaver Peter Konieczny Seth Reeves Dr. Sarno Proxy Heytun Lech Duraj Dan Reiher Christine Purvis Sean Long Ellen Teapot SmythProductions Paul McGee Abdallah Al-Ammari Michael Coates Froilan Legaspi Gezza The Masked Reviewer Luis Caetano Ben L Olaf Erik Carlsson Daniel O'Reilly Democratic facist Laura Jeal Rhys Little Hakkira Drew Deegan Gina Service Friedrich Demmer zemnmez James Ling Roberticus1992 George Gremo DarkLycan