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Tags: philip of macedonhistory tutorialphilip vancient historychaeroneamedieval warfareanimated documentarytop 10roman republichopliteshistory documentaryantigonidsphalanxcuriositystreamgreeceancient greecehistory lessondocumentary historymaceonian kingdomromephilip iieducationalalexander the greatantipaterhistoryalexandermacedonian empirehistorymarchechaeronea 338
Description: 🚩 Offset your carbon footprint on Wren: The first 100 people who sign up will have 10 extra trees planted in their name! 👇 Push down for more cool stuff 👇 📜 Research and writing by: Grigorios Charalampidis I wish to extend my deepest thanks to Grigorios. This video would not have been possible without his contribution. 🚩 Consider supporting my work on Patreon and enjoy ad-free videos: 📢 Narrated by David McCallion 📜 Sources: Economy of Macedonia during the Hellenistic period; a synopsis - Grigorios Charalampidis (2021) Fisher D., 1989. The Journal of Economic History Vol. 49, No. 4, Cambridge UniversityPress on behalf of Economic History Association, 883-902. Kremydi S., 2015. «Coinage and Finance» in Fox R.L., (ed.), Brill’s Companion to Ancient Macedon: Studies in the Archaeology and History of Macedon, 650 BC – 300 AD, Brill,Leiden – Boston, 159-178. Mackay C.S., 2013. Ancient Rome. Political and Military History. Papadimas Publications,Athens. Millett P., 2010. «The Political Economy of Macedonia» in Worthington, I., Roisman, J.,(eds.) 2010. A Companion to Ancient Macedonia. Wiley – Blackwell, John Wiley &Sons Ltd, London, 472-504. Milns R.D., 1999. «The Eects of Alexander’s Campaigns on Food Prices», Ancient Mace-donia VI, Institute for Balkan Studies, Thessaloniki, 763-769. Petropoulou A., 2010. «From Alexander to the Roman period» in Hellenic History. Νο.3,Collection from the newspaper ‘’I Kathimerini”, Athens, 7-75. Price M.J., 1989. The coinage in the name of Alexander the Great and Philip Arrhidaeus. London. RegerG., 2003. «TheEconomy», inErskineA., (ed.), A Companion to the Hellenistic World. Wiley – Blackwell, Oxford, 331-353. Shipley G., 2000. The Greek World after Alexander 323-30 BC, London. Touratsoglou I., 2010. Contribution to the economic history of the ancient Macedonian king-dom (6th-3rd c. B.C.), Athens Walbank F.W., 1984. «Macedonia and the Greek Leagues» in Walbank F.W., Astin A.E.,Frederiksen M.W., Ogilvie R.M., (eds.), The Cambridge Ancient History. vl 7, pt 1. The Hellenistic World2, Cambridge University Press, 446-473. Xydopoulos I., 2006. Social and Political Interactions between Macedonians and other Greeks. Society for Macedonian Studies, Thessaloniki. Xydopoulos I., 2012. «Macedonia in the Hellenistic period», in Drougou S., Touratsoglou I.,(eds.), Topics on Hellenistic pottery in ancient Macedonia. Athens, 22-35 Plutarch 7. Lives VII. Demosthenes and Cicero. Alexander and Caesar Arrian, II. Anabasis of Alexander. Books 5-7 Polybius. The Histories, I. Books 1-2 Polybius. The Histories, V Books 16-27 Livy. History of Rome VIII. Books 28-30 Livy. History of Rome XI. Books 38-39 Livy. History of Rome XIII. Books 43-45 #alexanderthegreat #ancienthistory #ancientgreece