Channel: Michael & Anthony
Category: Comedy
Tags: lovehow toclementine livesplant basedrvfruitplant medicineyogapsychadelicswhat i eat in a daymeditation musicclaire michellehow to eatcomedianhealthy snacksvegan teacherhealthy recipevegetariansketch comedyhallucinationsfunnygayyoulana del reyhrhbananaoriginal sketchhawaiinaturehealthy livingclementinemichael and anthonyparodyveganimprovorangefruit mukbanggay comicmeditationpeacemichael pavanomukbangcomic
Description: Clementine teaches you how to eat a banana, plus a few words of wisdom. ♡ JOIN THE FAM ♡ Michael Instagram: @michaelpavano Anthony Instagram: @bowens_official For Bookings please contact: