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Hooves Line is it Anyway? - Babscon 2022

Duration: 01:14:05Views: 778Likes: 70Date Created: May, 2022

Channel: ACRacebest

Category: Film & Animation

Tags: saberconhooves line is it anyway?whose line is it anywayponiespanelshooves linehilariousimprov-comedywhose linebabs22comediansvlogshooves line is it anywaygamesmlp:fimracebestpanelsan franciscofunnymlpfimconventionwhose line is it anyway?comedydawilstanatormy little pony2022friendship is magicimprovacracebestwhos linemlpbronybabsconbroniesacracerbestgameshowdbponyvlogsabersparkmatackablesilver quillcon vlogimprovisingponyfun

Description: Do you like ponies? Do you like Whose Line Is It Anyway? Do you like the idea of putting them together? No? TOO BAD! Join ACRacebest, Saberspark, and more as they provide a ponified improv panel! Quick wit and epic fails make for some hilarious comedy on this panel which has been going strong for over 5 years, and you never know what will happen on stage. Don’t miss one of the most popular pony panels of all time! Featuring: Saberspark, ACRacebest, Silver Quill, DaWilstanator Host: Dustykat twitter.com/ACRacebest April 15, 2022. FRIDAY 1 to 2:30pm in Main Hall Follow ACRacebest as he takes on BABSCON for the sixth time. Located in Burlingame, California on April 15-17, 2022. Special thanks to Babcon and their AV/Video Staff for the additional camera angles and direct audio!

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