Channel: Bankroll Fresh
Category: Music
Tags: bankroll freshstreet money worldwidehit dem folkswalked intwo7teengeorgiaboochiedance (interest)2-17tutorialtravis porteratlantahit them folkscolumbus
Description: "Hit Dem Folks" dance tutorial by the originator of the dance. Learn Step by step how to do the "Hit Dem Folks" dance, and where it came from. The "Hit Dem Folks" dance craze is taking over right now so we brought you the creators of the dance to show you how it's really done. The Song Playing is: Bankroll Fresh ft. Travis Porte and Boochie "Walked In" Download it here: #hitdemfolks New dance hit dem folks How to do the hit dem folks dance Step by step guide to do the hit dem folks dance tutorial Walked In Bankroll Fresh - Walked In Travis Porter - Walked In 2-17 two7teen on the track Hit Dem Folks Hit Them Folks