Channel: Donn DIY
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: conveyorhow to createweldingdonn diylog splitterhomemadesteel workingmig weldingibcconveyor beltskid steerintermediate bulk containerfirewood cratefirewood processordiybuildfirewoodmetal workingcreatebelt conveyor
Description: Latest video: Hauling, processing and storing firewood. As a result of my laziness in firewood chopping, splitting and stacking by hand I spent a couple of months building a firewood processor around a 7 tonne capacity electric log splitter, a belt conveyor and forks attachment for the micro skid steer loader so I can move around the IBC - Intermediate Bulk container crates that are, as of now, full of firewood successfully made on my homemade firewood processor. No more back bending firewood chopping with a handheld chainsaw or splitting wood with a regular axe. Nor the most annoying thing to my liking - firewood stacking. As someone said in the comments, and very spectacularly I might add, people go through a lot of trouble and work to be lazy afterwards. And it's true. Stay tuned for the next video! Thanks for watching! Check out my other videos on my channel page: #donndiy #homemade #firewood Soundtrack: Pomade - Silent Partner (YouTube Audio Library) Welding equipment borrowed from Spetselektroodi AS, Estonia: Fronius TransSteel 2700 welder Optrel Crystal 2.0 Welding Helmet Hypertherm Powermax 45 XP plasma cutter