Channel: Nick Uhas
Category: Education
Tags: alcoholhow to make hand sanitizerhandsanitizerwashing handscoronavirushandsanitizer diyvirus151hand sanitizervodkawashing your handsdiytitosisopropyl alcoholmaking hand sanitizerdisinfecting
Description: Share This Video: I went to the grocery store and all the hand sanitizer was gone! Note, the manufacturers of hand sanitizer put A TON of time into their product and I would highly recommend buying hand sanitizer over making your own, however if there is none this is a good back up. Here is the recipe You will need the following: Alcohol 91% (or 99%), Glycerol or Glycerin, 3% hydrogen peroxide, distilled or boiled water and a container to put this all in. If using 91% store bought alcohol 400ml of 91% alcohol (364ml alcohol) -10ml glycerin -15ml h202 -50 ml H20 If using 99% alcohol Mix 13 ounces (385ml) of 99% Alcohol with 2 teaspoons of glycerol (10ml) Then add 1 tablespoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide (15ml) and 3floz of water (90ml) At least ¾ of your total solution needs to be alcohol, so make sure to adjust accordingly. Here is the first recipe: Mix 3:1 ratio of 70% iso propyl alcohol to aloe vera gel Let sit for 72 hours before using WIRED: GRADES OR CHEMICALS: The Seven Most Common Grades for Chemicals and Reagents Cutting 91% to 70%: Follow Nick Uhas TikTok: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Nickipedia Website: Nickipedia Live Show Booking: #HandSanitizer #DIY Production Team: Writer/Producer: Nick Uhas Crew: Kaleb Seaton Best Girl: Opal Roo (the dog)