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Grignard Reagent, Reaction, Mechanism and Shortcut

Duration: 09:12Views: 59KLikes: 1.9KDate Created: Feb, 2020

Channel: Leah4sci

Category: Education

Tags: synthesisgrignardorganic chemistryochemgrignard shortcutleah4scileah fischgrignard reagentgrignard mechanismorgo

Description: Leah4sci.com/grignard presents: Grignard Reagent, Reaction, Mechanism and Shortcut πŸ“ΊWatch Next: Grignard to Alcohol Synthesis Shortcuts youtu.be/sQ8dtuuN1TE Need help with Orgo? Download my free guide ’10 Secrets to Acing Organic Chemistry’ HERE: leah4sci.com/orgo-ebook Grignard reagents are my go-to for chain elongation in orgo 2. This video focuses on the formation of the highly reactive organometallic: The Grignard reagent, including formation, reactivity, and its use in synthesis reactions. You’ll learn how to form a Grignard, the step by step mechanism, as well as a shortcut for predicting Grignard reactants and products. Links & Resources Mentioned In This Video: Polar Protic and Aprotic Solvent Video: youtu.be/cBpslCVZSpM Find even more on Grignard reagents including the Common Grignard Reactions cheat sheet on my website: leah4sci.com/grignard In this video: [0:30] Overview of Grignard Reaction [2:39] Purpose for Using Aprotic Solvent [4:43] Grignard Reaction Mechanism [7:39] Grignard Reaction Shortcut [8:16] How to Determine Grignard Reactant Follow along with your semester by using my Orgo Syllabus Companion: leah4sci.com/syllabus For more in-depth review including practice problems and explanations, come join my online membership site the organic chemistry study hall: leah4sci.com/join For private online tutoring visit my website: leah4sci.com/organic-chemistry For questions and comments, find me on social media here: Facebook: facebook.com/Leah4Sci Twitter: twitter.com/Leah4Sci Instagram: instagram.com/leah4sci Pinterest: pinterest.com/leah4sci

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