Channel: Cereal Marshmallows
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: cant connect to miner consolefix goldshell miner connection problemcrypto mininghow to hookup goldshell wireless minergoldshell miner problemst-boxshould i buy a goldshell kd5?how to mine kadenais mining cryptocurrency profitablealt coin miningck-boxhow to setup kadena minermining starcoingoldshell wifi problembest asic mineris mining profitablekd-boxcant connect goldshell asic minerkdbox wont connectis goldshell miners legit or scam?
Description: Having Issues / Problems with the new Goldshell Wi Fi Wireless KD-Box CK-Box ST-box HS- Box or any Box miners that you cannot sign into the console with. Well this could be the fix you are looking for the Fix. I thought I was going to have to Flash the firmware from a card because it would not show up with Ethernet cable or Wireless connection. I made a video and someone helped me you must sign in through the WiFi Router basically I will show a step by step process for hooking up these new ASIC miners for Home mining! Mining CKB Nervos KDA Kadena ST Starcoin HNS Handshake and the Mini Doge should all be covered by this easy upgrade fix #goldshellminer #cryptomining #goldshellwifiproblem Link to items we use on Amazon ~ Mine your STC KDA CKB DOGE LTC SIA HNS And more at DXPOOL Here is a link TRADE CRYPTOCOIN AND STOCKS WITH THE LINKS BELOW Sign up for WEBULL and get up to 12 Free stocks! This is REAL and its easy and profitable. Signup to buy Bitcoin, Doge and others at Binance ~ Signup and Buy Alt Coins and Cryptocurrency at Bitforex ~ Sign up and Buy Stocks on ETRADE one of the Best out there! BUY MINING EQUIPMENT CAR PARTS AND THINGS WE USE HERE AT MY AMAZON STOREFRONT Link to items we use on Amazon ~ Link to buy a Helium HNT miner from Nebra ~ Buy the items we use in the shop SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL Subscribe Start Mining using CUDOMINER I do use it and it is pretty simple with any newer computer to start mining in around 10 to 20 mins HERE is a link ~ KRYPTEX ~ Mining with Kryptex is easy and my favorite over Cudo miner although both do their job well. HERE is the link ~ Make sure and visit Some of My Websites Below I do All Sorts of Unique Things..;-) Send Me Hate Mail or Goodies & Stuff to show on Youtube 1 Owner Car Guy (Nathan Wratislaw) 3124 HWY 93 Stevensville, MT 59870 No Ticking items please ;-)