Channel: Jess the Dragoon
Category: Gaming
Tags: how todissidia 012practicegilgameshartistbartzspeedexcaliburexcalipoordraw against timedrawingmangatime attacktutorialjessthedragoonsquaresoftduodecimartvoidmasamunecartoonsquare enixexdeathspeed drawingdrawffvclash on the big bridgeart trainingsketchfinal fantasy vanime
Description: Gilgamesh (transformed) from Final Fantasy V in 24 Minutes (Timelapsed to 14) - Draw Against Time #36 This Draw Against Time video was requested by madnessdestructor2. Gilgamesh makes his appearance throughout the Final Fantasy series. This particular one from FFV, I think, has the most prominent appearance. He appears about 4 times with his own awesome theme song called 'Clash on the Big Bridge'. He even transformed into a multi-hand 'mahakala'. There were a lot of details on him to draw it took me quite a while and my camera even ran outta space. But it was totally fun drawing him. This video can also be taken as a tutorial on how to draw the things drawn in this video. If you have anything you want to see me draw against time, please put them in the comments below. Official Jess the Dragoon website: JesstheDragoon Facebook: JesstheDragoon Twitter: Music by Jess the Dragoon