Channel: Interesting Ficus
Category: Entertainment
Tags: how to build24how to maketreesficusreally cooldiyunderground housejailbreakblah blah recordsprimitive lifeprisonficuslandhouse in the forestinteresting ficusprimitive technologyinterestingsurvivalinteresting fikushanging housediy ideasunderground prisonjail breakunderground24 hoursficus landchallengehow to escape from prison
Description: Hi guys! You’re watching Interesting and Ficus. Today we have a cool challenge – We gonna check Ficus’s survival and creativity. He often likes to hide from work here, in our underground house. He likes to come here to sleep, so as not to work he is ready for anything. It can be cold here, but for some reason, this doesn’t stop him. Very Cool DIY Channel: Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound! #UNDERGROUND #house #diy