Channel: HamRadioConcepts
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: gigapartsdstarpwm charge controllerhamradioprepuhf radiodmricom 705c4fmrenogy solarham radiosolar panelsolar charge controllerham radio licensehf radioqrp ham radioham radio prepsystem fusionham radio 2.0amateur radiomppt controllerhamradioconceptsfusionham radio crash courseham radio conceptsk8mrd radio stufficom id-52amateur radio licenseic-705genasun mppt controllergenasun silent charge controllernoise on ham radio
Description: Poor solar charge controllers cause havoc on the HF radio, even some VHF and UHF frequencies. My MPPT controller from China has plagued my waterfall on my HF radio with noise, but for portable operations using my foldable solar panel, this will be a perfect solution without causing a ton of noise. I really couldn't tell the difference between ON and OFF with these things. Links are below: SUBSCRIBE (My other channel) JOIN my newsletter Interested in obtaining your ham radio license? The best way to get started is at Use the code eric20 at checkout to save 20%. You will pass the exam on your first try or your money back. #solar #hamradio #mppt