Channel: LuLGamingg
Category: Gaming
Tags: friday night funkin'updike story fnfremorse original vs remasterfnf full weekfriday night funkinfull weekfriday night funkin mod showcasemod showcasewhitty fnfremorse fnftop fnf modvs updike fnfupdike remasterupdike v2fnf showcasefnf modfnf best modsupdike og vs remasterfnf
Description: VS Updike (Gabriel Updike) Original VS Remaster in Remorse song, Friday Night Funkin’. The official remaster of the secret Whitty character, Gabriel Updike, and his only song, Remorse. Side by side comparison with his OG song from the VS Whitty mod. [FNF] V.S. Updike V2’ Key Authors sock.clip - Main artist, animator, musician Stank_Fielld - Charter, programmer Special Thanks Shadow Mario - Creator of Psych Engine V.S. Whitty - Definitive Edition Sock.clip - Creator of Whitty, Main Artist and Animator Nate Anim8 - Project lead, Chart Cleanup, Secondary Artist, made Hungry bbpanzu - Main Coder, charted Underground and another fun song :) KadeDeveloper - Original V.S. Whitty Coder juliaa_ - Main Charter TheOnlyVolume - Assistant Charter El Senor Beast - Secondary Coder tictacto - Created the trailer theme 8-Bit Nostalgia - Main Playtester #FNFMod #UpdikeRemaster #UpdikeOGvsRemaster