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Freeing Yourself of Old Habits

Duration: 08:45Views: 27.6KLikes: 985Date Created: Mar, 2022

Channel: Rupert Spira

Category: Education

Description: Freeing yourself of old habits is usually an uncomfortable journey, but a great one. Rupert suggests to a woman who is questioning her life that her old patterned behaviours will slowly dissolve once this new understanding sinks in, and that it is normal for periods of discomfort to arise. Since the ego, or separate self, likes to hold onto habits and old behaviours, many conditioned character traits brought on by culture, family, and so on will become liberated by realising and feeling your true identity as imperturbable calm, peace and happiness. The non-dual understanding, or direct path, guides us to knowing and feeling our self as eternal peace and happiness which is the very nature of our being. Timestamps: 00:00 Questioning Everything 00:55 Getting Rid of Old Ways and Habits 1:18 Liberation and Freeing Yourself 2:00 Discovery of Patterned Behaviours 3:00 Conditioning from Cultures 4:00 Breaking Habits and Freeing Yourself 5:00 Do Not Go Back To Your Old Ways 6:30 Moving Forward with This New Understanding 7:30 Clarity and Courage is Required to Free Yourself This clip was taken from a webinar held on March 4, 2021. –– ACCESS FULL VIDEO ARCHIVE You can watch or listen to 1000s of hours of teachings, guided meditations and answers in Rupert's full video archive here: ▸ rupertspira.com/subscriptions –– RETREATS (Weekend, 5-day, 7-day) Rupert holds regular retreats, roughly once per month, both in-person and online. Many in-person retreats can also be attended from the comfort of your home via livestream. ONLINE RETREAT SCHEDULE ▸ rupertspira.com/events/retreat-at-home IN-PERSON RETREATS SCHEDULE ▸ UK rupertspira.com/event/location/united-kingdom ▸ US rupertspira.com/event/location/united-states –– WEEKLY WEBINARS (2 hours) Rupert's webinars take place most Sunday and Thursday evenings, from 4pm UK time. In the first twenty to thirty minutes, Rupert leads a spontaneous meditation. The remaining time is open for attendees to discuss their questions with Rupert. WEEKLY WEBINAR SCHEDULE ▸ rupertspira.com/events/webinar –– FREE CONTENT, EVENTS & NEW RELEASES To be notified of free content, events (online and in-person), books and other new releases, please sign up to Rupert's free newsletter: rupertspira.com/free-newsletter –– BROWSE RUPERT’S BOOKS ▸ rupertspira.com/store –– LISTEN TO RUPERT’S PODCAST ▸ iTunes: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/rupert-spira-podcast ▸ Libsyn: rupertspira.libsyn.com ▸ Spotify: open.spotify.com/artist/6z1GNgC1js30g9RLSfBB4M –– JOIN RUPERT’S FACEBOOK GROUP ▸ facebook.com/groups/rupertspiracommunity –– SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNELS ▸ Website: rupertspira.com ▸ Instagram: instagram.com/rupertspira_ ▸ Facebook: facebook.com/rupertspira ▸ Twitter: twitter.com/rupertspira –– SUBSCRIBE TO RUPERT’S YOUTUBE ▸ youtube.com/user/rupertspira?sub_confirmation=1 –– #rupertspira #nonduality #natureofreality #consciousness #awareness #happiness RS21027d

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