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Freedom of Speech on Internet ENDING ON DEC 14TH 2017

Duration: 03:41Views: 15.2KLikes: 1.1KDate Created: Nov, 2017

Channel: ValveFollower

Category: Gaming

Tags: net neutrality newsverizonispfccopen internetajit paifederal communications commissioninternet freedom of speechisp freedomthe humanist reportnet neutralityfederal trade commissionispsattcomcastinternet service providersbandwidthinternet freedomvalvefollowertechnologyat&tis net neutrality goodthe young turksinternethow to help net neutrality

Description: Save the Internet before Dec 14th sign here battleforthenet.com Sign with 200,000 Others change.org/p/save-net-neutrality-netneutrality Call FCC at 1-888-225-5322 Email Ajit.Pai@fcc.gov Learn More youtube.com/watch?v=UsyzP5hejxI Transcript Below Net Neutrality is threatened by the FCC, and the internet as we know it may change forever. Net Neutrality requires to give everyone equal access to everything on the internet. That means that Verizon, Spectrum, Charter, AT&T, Comcast, and so on can’t charge you for using specific websites. What they want to do is what you see here, The FCC is moving to end Net Neutrality right now, and will give big cable companies the ability to charge you for using email, video packages, banking, listening to music, Spotify, Discord and Skype, or make you pay $5 for news packages. They want to make fast lanes, and slow lanes, depending on what packages you’ve paid for or haven’t paid for. They can also charge you $5 or $10 a month, or whatever price they want, for you to even use Youtube This also implies that these companies will have to barter to Verizon or AT&T and that will drive up their own prices - BUT also smaller sites and small companies will have no chance to grow, and will be at the mercy of these ISPs making their site go down to a crawl. This isn’t just about prices going up though, if someone makes a website exposing these companies or their affiliates of crimes or goes against their agenda, they can just block that site from you even accessing it. Whatever site they think you should be able to see or not see, they can change that in the near future. You see this piece of shit? This piece of shit is hoping you idly stand by until it’s too late. Once these things are decided shit falls apart, and could take years to reverse, if ever. I’ve left several links below, but signing the change.org will only take a moment or you can use Facebook to login to sign it even faster. I know you may seem like just one person, but seriously, if everyone just helped protect the internet, yes, even you watching this, we will actually save the open internet. I don’t care if you’re democrat, republican, independent, or none of those, it really doesn’t matter, this will screw us all. This will shatter innovation, artists, start up companies, and give even more monopolies to the top 1%, and basically create a shitty internet experience. Help save the internet.

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