Channel: Beatbox Princess
Category: Entertainment
Tags: sunday best surfacesdoja cat tygazipporahzipporah beatboxfreaky deakysunday bestdojacatmashuptygasuzanne vegasurfacesdnafeeling good like i shouldive been feeling freaky deakytoms dinerbeatboxbeatbox princessfreaky deaky dojacatsurafaces sunday best
Description: Check out my Mashup version of Doja Cat and Tyga’s “Freaky Deaky” with Suzanne Vega and DNA’s “Tom’s Diner” and Surfaces’ “Sunday Best” Tik Tok: @beatboxprincesszipporah Instagram: @zipporah_beatbox Facebook: @ZipporahBeatbox Twitter: @BeatboxPrincess E-mail: #Zipporah #Beatbox #ZipporahBeatbox #BeatboxPrincess #FreakyDeaky #FreakyDeakyDojaCat #Tyga #DojaCat #DojaCatTyga #IveBeenFeelingFreakyDeaky #TomsDiner #SuzanneVega #DNA #Surfaces #SundayBest #FeelingGoodLikeIShould #SurafacesSundayBest #SundayBestSurfaces #Mashup VIdeo and Audio taken at Eargasm Exclusive