Channel: Frank Turner
Category: Entertainment
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Description: From FTHC, the new album out now. Buy: Official store exclusives: Follow Instagram: Tik Tok: Facebook: Twitter: News, shows, music & sign up at Frank Turner // My Bad // Lyrics My parents world just made me furious, So I ran away and joined the circus. Young and careless, dumb and curious, Sickened by my kin. Since then I have wandered endless, Searching for some soul forgiveness, To shed the skin and bring the process Of privilege to an end. Guys who look like me Ruined the country With their hatred and greed, And I feel guilty. And that’s why I won’t try To tell anybody How to live a life: You’ve heard enough from me. You’ve heard enough from guys who look like me. I’d stuff my socks into the mouths of Everyone I went to school with, Burn the houses of those who are not Sickened by their kin. Ah friend, you think I wouldn’t change things if I could? You think I wouldn’t drain my tainted blood, And hand over the keys to anyone? I did not want to be my father’s son. #FrankTurner