Channel: Troy Adashun
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: natural bodybuildingaesthetic body workouthow tohow to build an aesthetic physiqueaesthetic workout planaesthetic workoutperfect male bodyaesthetic workout splitworkout motivationhow to build the perfect physiquev taper workout abstroy adashunperfect male physiquekey exercises for aestheticsv taper workoutbodybuildinglats workout
Description: Today we are building the perfect male physique with an outside the box workout that is going to attack your weak points that will help you look more aesthetic. Try this workout up to 2x per week and remember the best way to build muscle faster is train insane or remain the same. Training intensity and volume are always going to give you the fastest muscle building results! ➢Build muscle faster with Alpha Lion! (Discount code: Troy20) ➢ Instagram @Troy.Adashun ➢Missed my last video? ➢Share this video! ➢ HOW TO BUILD THE PERFECT PHYSIQUE (Time Stampers) 00:00 - How to build the perfect male physique 00:15 - weak points on most guys physique 00:39 - How to widen the lats and target them 00:56 - My favorite lat superset for a wider back 01:10 - common lat pulldown training mistake 02:00 - killer back superset 02:47 - form tips on the seated row 03:40 - very common seated row mistake 04:30 - my favorite trap exercise 06:00 - superset with this 06:33 - secret giveaway for all my training programs 07:20 - a great upper chest isolator 08:54 - why weighted abs are a must 10:30 - the best way to speed up your transformation