Channel: Elwyn R
Category: Travel & Events
Tags: snowdoniadolgellaupasasonicsony#machloop#lakenheathlowlevelwalesgoprof15
Description: #MachLoop #USAF #Wales #Snowdonia #F15 #Lakenheath #4K Its been very quiet in the Hills with not seeing an F-15 for several months! So it was a chance to try my new video camera with two flights of 15s I'm trying to up my videoing to 4K with a Panasonic HC-X1500 4K 50p!! however my Sony AX 53 will take some beating! please let me know in the comments if you have a 4K monitor how is the quality? This was filmed near Dolgellau, North Wales southern part of Snownonia LFA7 known as Mach Loop and we were at Cad West, the opening shot was filmed on Go-Pro8,