Channel: Carly Cristman
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: carlypregnancy third trimesterwhat i got for my push presentextreme nursery declutter + organizationnursery makeoverpush presentnursery organizationthird trimesterpregnancy updatenursery declutter and organizationcristmanextreme nursery declutterextreme nursery makeoverpush present ideasdiynursery revealcarlycristmanextreme nursery organizationgender neutral nurserypinterest nursery makeovernursery declutter
Description: Extreme Nursery Declutter + Organization + I got my push present early! You won't believe the before and after of this nursery makeover and reveal! Expand this box to see how to win $500 credit to Tacori! Subscribe to my channel to get notified when I post new videos! ------------------------------- Want to know what we're having!? Watch our gender reveal! Watch my pregnancy announcement! I'm pregnant! Telling my husband I'm pregnant --------------------------- this video is about: extreme nursery declutter + organization, extreme nursery declutter, extreme nursery organization, extreme nursery makeover, nursery makeover, nursery declutter and organization, nursery reveal, gender neutral nursery, nursery organization, nursery declutter, pregnancy update, third trimester, pregnancy third trimester, what I got for my push present, push present, push present ideas, DIY, Pinterest nursery makeover ---------------------------- Thank you so much to Tacori for sponsoring today's video and video giveaway! For a chance to win a $500 credit to, 1.Follow @TacoriOfficial and @Carlycristman on Instagram 2. Please comment your IG handle, why you want the credit, and your favorite boy name/names! [Your IG handle so we can check to see that you are following] No purchase necessary. Winner is chosen at random. This sweepstakes are not in partnership with YouTube or Instagram. The giveaway will end on October 1st! Pieces shown: Classic diamond studs: Initial / Birthstone bracelet: ID bracelet: Dew drops bracelet: Dew drops ring: My emerald wedding band: ----------------------------------- Hey guys! Today's video is my extreme nursery makeover / an extreme nursery declutter and organization video and what I got for my push present! Giving you guys an update now that I'm in my third trimester of pregnancy, as well as sharing with you what I got for my push present / push present gift ideas and a giveaway with Tacori. Then I'm tacking all of the declutter and organization in the nursery and sharing with you guys the extreme nursery makeover and reveal!