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Excel 2020 Best Tips and Tricks

Duration: 11:06Views: 18.2KLikes: 597Date Created: Dec, 2020

Channel: Sele Training

Category: Science & Technology

Tags: excel tutorialhlookupexcel 2020 tips and tricksexcel premium contentbest excel features 2020vlookupsele trainingexcel geographyexcel lambda functionexcel traininglambdalinked data typesdynamic array functions2020 excel bestexcel 2020letexcel tips and tricksexcel best tips and tricksnatural language queryexcel let functionexcel stocksmicrosoft excelexcel2020 excel bestexcel data typesexcel xlookup functionxlookup

Description: This is a recap of the best Excel tips and tricks released for most users in 2020. You’ll have all these features if you use the subscription-based version of Microsoft 365 Excel and have updated it to the latest release. I also introduce the LAMBDA function. Support me with your Amazon purchases, click here: amzn.to/2Kxp533 For more detail of the topics mentioned please refer to these specific videos: Link to Excel XLOOKUP Video: youtu.be/xxX8XiuKFEY Link to Excel Dynamic Array Formulas Video: youtu.be/xwTUfU8PqCU Link to Excel Linked Data Types Video: youtu.be/o3_-DnlfHkY Link to Excel Natural Language Query Video: youtu.be/Wt-r9XRuxV4 Link to Excel LAMBDA Function Video: youtu.be/Ayc7QOadBa4 Contents 0:00 1. XLOOKUP 0:29 2. LET 2:03 3. Dynamic Array Functions 3:35 4. Linked Data Types 4:55 5. Analyze Data 6:32 6. Premium Content 7:50 7. LAMBDA 8:42 #seletraining #excel #tipsandtricks

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