Channel: JubileeBlais
Category: Gaming
Tags: jubilee blaislet's gopokemon let's go pikachupokemon shiny huntinglet's go pikachutop 10let's go issuesjubileeblaisnew shiny methodlet's go hatepokemon golet's go eeveepokemon let's go eeveelet's go problemstop 10 pokemonpokemonshiny reactionlet's go top 5easy shiny pokemonlet's go criticismlet's go listtop 5 pokemonlet's go top 10let's go shiny reactionnew pokemonpokemon listlet's go shiny huntingtop 5
Description: Please don't murder me if your opinions differ from mine... heh. Overall I think the Pokemon Let's Go games are a ton of fun and I recommend them to anyone who asks. That being said, I do have some issues with these games that I want to address. I hope that all of the problems I have with these games are fixed when gen 8 comes out on the Switch next year! Twitter: Instagram: Patreon: A million thank yous to these Patreon Team Potato Executives: -Connor Manley -Mike Sipes #shinyhunting #shinyreaction #pokemon