Channel: Madison and Beyond
Category: Entertainment
Tags: nut crackerblue elfchristmas elfnutcrackerelf on the shelfelf decor diydiychristmas nutcrackerchristmas scavenger huntnutcracker scavenger huntelfscavenger huntkidselveschristmas ideas for kidskids christmaschristmas elf on the shelfsparkles and bubblegumdiy nutcrackermadisontrinity and madisonpurple elffor kidschristmaspink elfmadison and trinityelf on the shelf 2021elf day 6trinity and beyondbeyond familyfamilytrinity
Description: Nutcracker Scavenger Hunt!! DIY Christmas Nutcrackers Subscribe: Watch our Newest Videos: Elf on the Shelf Nutcracker Scavenger Hunt!!! Day 8! DIY Christmas Nutcrackers. Trinity woke up bright and early and found the elves before anyone else! They were waiting for us on the kitchen island with a fun scavenger hunt activity to find 4 hidden nutcrackers throughout the house. Subscribe to our other Channels!!! Trinity & Beyond: Beyond Family Vlogs: Trin & Madi Beyond Gaming Preston and Beyond Follow Us: FaceBook: IG: About Madison and Beyond: Madison and Beyond started out as Madison's own channel, but being such a little girl it was tough to do videos on her own, so the rest of the family joined in the videos. They're always about fun and kids challenges and toys. We do lots of toy skits on this channel. Thanks again for visiting our channel. Please turn on notifications and share a video with a friend! #MadisonandBeyond #BeyondFamily #ElfOnTheShelf #trinityandmadison #nutcracker