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Elephant vs. Gorilla!

Duration: 11:23Views: 4.2KLikes: 63Date Created: Feb, 2022

Channel: What Lurks Below

Category: Education

Tags: gorilla fight to the deathgorillagorilla attackwildlife fighting in africagorilla fights elephantelephant attackgorilla fightbattle for territorywhat lurks belowgorilla attack tigergorilla vsgorilla fight lionwild gorillaoceans explainedelephant dangerouswhat lurks underneathgorilla fights beargorilla attack humanwildlife fightsgorilla dangerouselephantelephant attack human

Description: Elephant vs Gorilla! Who will win if they go head to head! These wild animals are both strong predators, but who is stronger if they go head to head? How do they attack? What is their lifespan? Are they endangered? Will the Elephant or The Gorilla come out on top?! SUBSCRIBE for the latest videos: goo.gl/7xzjzR   Where do they live? Gorillas typically inhabit the tropical forests of equatorial Africa. They have a patchy distribution, further divided by the fact that there are two subspecies. The western gorilla lives in west-central Africa, while the eastern gorilla lives in east-central Africa. Their habitats, largely determined by the presence of food, range from montane forests to swamplands. What are their relative populations? As of 2016, the Elephant population for both species was estimated at around to 415,000 individuals. This figure only falls as the years go on. As for Gorillas, around 316,000 western lowland gorillas are thought to exist in the wild and 4000 in zoos. And for the eastern lowland gorillas, there are 5,000 in the wild and 24 in zoos. Mountainous gorillas, the most endangered, just number 800 in the wild. How many of them are killed in a year?    About 30,000 elephants are killed by poachers every year. For gorillas, the exact number is unclear. However, what’s clear is that elephants are killed at a far more rapid pace. Round 2: Diet  What do these creatures eat?  Elephants are herbivores. They can eat as many as 200 different plant species over the course of a single year. However, their staple foods are grass and bamboo, which is a type of grass. Is it easy for them to find food? It’s pretty easy for both Elephants and Gorillas to find food since they are both herbivores and don’t really need to hunt. In spite of this, Gorillas cover more ground to find food. Especially low land gorillas, whose diet is comprised of up to 25% fruit. They can travel up to a mile a day looking for food. How old can they get?  Elephants have quite a long lifespan and live between 40 to 70 years. Naturally, they live longer in captivity than in the wild, where they are provided with food and don’t have to worry about predators. How do these creatures attack?  The main thing that both the elephant and the gorilla have going on for them in terms of offensive threat is size. Gorillas are the largest living primates and can grow up to 6 feet tall. They also easily attain weights of 600 pounds. This makes them very, very, very strong. They usually attack using their fists and powerful arms. But then, they can also use tools like sticks and stones. How many humans do they kill in a year? Gorilla attacks on humans are rare, but not unheard of. They occur both in the wild and in captivity. Gorillas are usually peaceful. However, they turn aggressive once they are provoked. Since they aren’t natural predators of humans, official figures are hard to come by. However, there’s usually an incident every couple of years. Recorded Incidents? On September 28, 2020, in a zoo in Madrid, Spain, a 440-pound gorilla known as Malabo attacked and seriously injured his female keeper. The woman, 46, whose name has not been disclosed to the public, was performing her usual tasks around 10 am when she came face to face with Malabo. Feeling startled, Malabo violently attacked the zookeeper, breaking both arms and leaving her with a head injury. Eventually, she was subdued and tranquilized and the zookeeper was taken to a hospital to get medical attention. As to how the gorilla enclosure opened, that remains a mystery. Animal threats? Elephants, on the other hand, are not so lucky. They have a rather wide range of predators. These include lions, tigers, hyenas, crocodiles, wild dogs, rhinos, other elephants and, even snakes. Elephants are easy to target because of how they graze. In fact, they are particularly susceptible to creatures which love to hunt in packs. Elephants have their fair share of adaptations too. Their big ears and wrinkly skin help them stay cool in the warm African environment. Their tusks, made of ivory, also help them eat and protect themselves. They also have great memories, and hardly ever forget a human they met. This may have something to do with their large brains.

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