Channel: Marco Reps
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: saturnmaskedmechanicalledformlabsaxisultrasonic3dpostreviewuvraspberrylevelprinterrailmslavatslamonochromaticengineeringpdmsresindriver4kprocessingsensordistortionslicerrepsstringlcdplatformmicroscopeelegoolaserarduinoelectronicdpiteardowncleaningleadscrewlinearcbdchituboxm2marsm3marcodlpthreadscheaprepeatabilitypi2kshrinkage
Description: Elegoo Saturn Cheap Ultrasonic cleaner I use Microscope I use Patreon Front panel for Vini's Lab Block with threads model In this video we are taking a look at Elegoos new MSLA 3D printer, the Saturn. I am showing how to set it up and how to use it somewhat successfully. I am also taking apart a beta version of the printer to show a few of the internal details that make this product special. At the end I am showing some printed results to demonstrate the machines capabilities in geometric accuracy and small feature size. 00:00 Intro 02:00 Setup 05:25 Mech test & internals 08:44 Print results 12:20 Small threads 14:25 Conclusion