Channel: tokaku
Category: Entertainment
Tags: e-girlfriend applicationsgirlfriend formtokaku drawingstorytimegirlfriend applicationsdraw my lifetokaku osue-gfe-gf formtokaku osu!help what the heck do i tag this withdrawing videotopkakupowerpoint presentationosu tokakustorytime animationdrawing storytimepower point presentationosu! tokakugirlfriend google formstokakudrawing tokaku
Description: Ah yes a tale from when I made a girlfriends form on twitter. When @topkaku still existed. Well, it's been over a year since I last did a powerpoint drawing video, so let's start the new year with one ;) FAQ: Q: No more osu! drawing videos? A: Well I only draw when I have something interesting to say Q: Why haven't you drawn in so long? A: Because I don't really like drawing to be honest... Q: You're gay? A: It was really obvious on my twitter. But in seriousness i kinda don't care what's between your legs Q: What was on your twitter account? A: Memes and really really weird tweets. My Things: Patreon | Instagram | skype | Business Email | Ending Song | Omoi - Teo (remix by rN Thanks for watching!