Channel: Easy Origami - Yakomoga
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: ringeasy origami ringorigami easy ringhow to make origamifoldingorigamicool origamijeremy shaferpapercrafteasy paper ringpaperpaper origamipaper craftspaper ring easy without gluehow to make a paper ring折り紙hello origamipaper ringorigami ringpaper ring easycraftsjonakashimaeasy origamiorigami crownorigami easyorigami crown easyyakomogaorigami cool and easypaper ring without glue作り方origami ring easyorigams ring折り方
Description: How to make an easy origami crown ring How to make a paper crown ring Paper ring easy without glue Origami Crown ring It's my design. Design by Roman Petrenko (Yakomoga) ------------------------------------ Sheet size - 10x10 cm #origamiring #paperring #easyorigami