Channel: Dustin Vuong
Category: Entertainment
Tags: aesthetichigh schoolorganization tipsmemeqnafunny vlogback to schooltimothee chalametfreshmen advicefreshmenadvice videostationaryschooltik tokorganizationvloghigh school adviceaesthetic vlogfunny
Description: get REAL advice + tips and a break down on how to (actually) survive high school from a high school graduate! (kinda.. still haven't gotten my diploma in the mail yet lol) let's catch up! i've been gone for a few weeks which was unintentional. i've been working on a few videos that are taking a little longer than expected to finish (one of them being this one). i've been upping my editing / filming game so creating videos have been more time consuming than usual. i spent a week isolated in my room working on this and it started having an impact on my mental health. i would wake up and feel numb + tired and then just spend the rest of the day editing. i really want to enjoy my summer break so i will be taking it a little easy on myself this summer. i will still try to post weekly but if an opportunity comes up for me to create memories like hanging out with friends, traveling, etc. then i'm gonna take it. don't worry!! i have many fun videos coming your way! lots of love, Dustin - = * = - I N S T A | @vuongdustin T W I T T E R | @vuongdustin T I K T O K | @vuongdustin S P O T I F Y | @vuongdustin B I Z |