Channel: Dragon Age
Category: Gaming
Tags: dragon age 3 world trailerps3next-gen rpgxbox 360gameplay trailervideo gameaction rpgbiowaremass effectxbox oneopen world rpgdiscover the dragon age
Description: Dragon Age: Inquisition - Explore a vast, fantasy world at the brink of catastrophe in this next-generation action RPG. Your journey awaits. Learn more at: Welcome to Dragon Age: Inquisition, where you will take on the mantle of Inquisitor and lead a team of heroes on a perilous journey through a living, multi-region open world. Discover the dramatic world of Thedas, from war-torn plains to jagged coasts, in this upcoming action RPG from BioWare, the creators of Mass Effect. This video game will be released in the Fall of 2014.