Channel: Yung Jae
Category: Music
Tags: done talkinyung jayj reyezasian raplilmanwestheartbreakahoney c21 savageyung jaejohnny newyensan josewild n outdavid yangpacman vicczkorean rap$tupid youngfeel likehoney cocainekeith apereactionjin gatesthai vgprydejimmy boidone talkingrich chiggashotta spencereaction videodrew deezyfingaprinthmong rapviccztimothy delaghettoruss cosontee cambostupid youngtimothyyoung jay
Description: BadLife Records Loud Pack is available on Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal and all streaming services! FOLLOW ME Instagram: Twitter: Snapchat: @yungjae425 Facebook: sucks Video Shot and Edited by @dalethegentlemen Audio Mixed and Mastered by @kustamusic of @burgundysuite Instrumental prod. by Jasdeep (@j_onthatrack)