Channel: Yung Jae
Category: Music
Tags: yung jayj reyezruby reneruby rheartbreaka gonejinlil crazedit g maheartbreaka454yung jaetimothy dela ghettocambo movementtimothy vlogant traxyung kingmeek millthai vgprydeyung kingzyoung king454 lifenikko datorfingaprintawkafinaruss cosonvlogtee cambotimothyyoung jay
Description: Sometimes in life, society, your environment, or the people around you will tell you what you can and can't do but a Yung King makes his own destiny FOLLOW ME Instagram: Twitter: Snapchat: @yungjae425 Facebook: sucks Search YUNG JAE on Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal and all streaming services Thai: @thai454 Russ Coson: @russcoson Ant Trax: @anttraxmuzik Special thanks to @therealrubyr and @jshort707