Category: Comedy
Tags: jake paul pranksjake pauljake paul team 10team 10 twinsfemale twinstwin youtubersthe new team 10 housereading your assumptionsteam 10 membersanswering your assumptioncaci twins team 10mikahl cacicaci twins challengenew team 10 memberscaci twinspayton caciyour assumptions about usnew team 10does jake paul hate usjake paul caci twinsteam 10caci twins morning routinegirl twinstwin pranksteam 10 house
Description: #Team10 #Cacitwins #Crazy We’re Payton & Mikahl Caci! We’re identical twin sisters who go by Caci Twins here on Youtube. We may look the same but trust us we are very different. We come together to make lifestyle videos all to entertain and to give you a laugh.