Channel: Super saiyan Cabby28
Category: Gaming
Tags: xenoverse 2 free updatexenoverse 2 dlc 14dragon ballxenoverse 2 dlcxenoverse 2 gameplaydragon ball zdragon ball xenoverse 2 dlc 14dbsxenoverse 2xv2xenoverse 2 updatexenoversedragon ball xenoverse 2dbxv2super saiyan cabby28dlcdragon ball superdbzgameplay
Description: As always thank you guys for watching I hope you guys enjoyed this Dragon ball xenoverse 2 video going over the new bonus tp medal event and why its absolutely crucial you take advantage of this to get ready for dlc 14. Even though dlc 14 is still a couple months away by taking advantage of the bonus tp medal event now it will take you much less time overall grinding so I highly recommend taking adavntage of this event and I go over what the best way to get tp medals is in xenoverse 2 right now. Join this channel to get access to perks: Most music by rifiti beats or musicality check them out! #DragonBallXenoverse2 #DragonBallZ #Xenoverse2