Channel: Yumi
Category: Gaming
Tags: yumivoice trollingrainbow six siegestory timer6hilarious storyhilariouscrimson heistfunny momentstrollingfunny storyrainbow six siege gameplayworst siege video evertuxbirdrainbow six siege funny momentshamster storysiege funny momentsoperation crimson heisthamstermemessoftwillynew operatorscobrainbow six siege funnydo not watch this siege videooperationgameplay
Description: This is the WORST Siege video EVER and you should NOT WATCH IT!!! If you clicked on this video you are doing so at your own risk and might see some of the worst funny moments ever. Enjoy :) 2nd channel: Twitch: Twitter: Instagram: Snapchat: BlakeYumi Discord: Business Inquiries: Music: Leave a like if you enjoyed the video! Subscribe for more epic content :) Enjoy this hilarious hamster story time with the boys where we are fully transparent and don't hold any details back. The hamster siege story along with many other funny moments allowed the boys to get closer in this epic gaming session. We are all guilty of embarrassing hilarious things :O