Channel: Tight
Category: Gaming
Tags: minecraftplayuhc highlightsranked skywarsminecraft hypixelreleaseletsxrayhypixelskywarsminecraft modminecraft skywarshypixel uhcbundlehypixel skywarsfunnymontageminecraft uhcchampionstextureuhc minecraftpackfamily friendlyanimationuhchighlightsbedwarschallengeno cursing
Description: do not panic in minecraft most of this stuff will only happen in the early stages of ranked, dont even ask how i manage to find these types of people ✧ social media ✧ ✦ twitter - ✦ discord - ✧ game related ✧ ✦ resource pack: vapoR pack ✦ server ip: ✧ frequently asked questions ✧ ✦ mouse: mionix avior 7000 (1600dpi, 95 in-game) ✦ keyboard: logitech g710+ ✦ recording software: obs studio ✦ where do you come from: england