Channel: Skills N' Talents
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: swimming techniquefreestyle접영techniquevideoslearningpechoturnsnatacionswimmingswimming tutorialbutterflydorsolearning to swimbreastrokediveflipswimming videosflipturnscrolhowtostartstrokeeasystepsbackstroke水泳improvingtutorialsbonesmariposatecnicaswim
Description: Swimming is a low impact and non-weight-bearing sport. You don’t have the constant weight of you body pushing down on your bones or joints. You don’t constantly crash into the ground either, the way you do when you are running. This is obviously good for your bones. Or is it? 00:00 - Squishy bones? 00:12 - No impact sport 00:27 - Swimmers injured out of the water 00:48 - Flexibility 01:41 - Swimmers aren’t very mobile 02:25 - Dry-land Sources: Riewald, Scott A.; Riewald, Scott. Science of Swimming Faster (Sport Science) . Human Kinetics, Inc.. Kindle Edition. Swimming attracts a specific kind of naturally flexible people. Being flexible helps swimmers get into the positions that other normal people cannot get to. That is called having full range of motion. Flexible joints allow for better more efficient angles for the hands and feet. These angles create strategic pressure in the water to move forward faster. Our dry-land channel: Swimming camps: Join our Discord (swimming community): If you like swimming, you will like our webpage: Tik tok: Our favorite Amazon products: Instragram: Facebook: Thanks for watching! Swim fast!