Channel: DIY crafts from A4 PAPER
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: кунай из бумагиhow toкак сделать кунайа4кунай из бумаги а4кунай своими рукамиоружие ниндзябумажный кунайhow to make paper weaponsкунайninja weaponsкунай ниндзяdiynaruto weaponбумажное оружиекунай нарутоninja weaponнож из бумагиоружие из бумагиоружие наруточбнкнарутокак сделать кунай из бумагиpaper weaponnaruto knifenarutopaper weaponspaper knifenaruto kunaiкунай наруто из бумагиninjakunaipaper ninjapaper kunai
Description: Instructions on how to make a small KUNAI with a scabbard made of A4 paper. Reference: Kunai (苦 無 ) is a Japanese dagger with a blade and a ring on the handle (for attaching a rope). There are large and small kunai. ------- Kunai materials: - 2 sheets of A4 paper, - dry glue - scissors - pencil - clothespins (for better gluing) -------------- It takes about 45 minutes to make 1 such craft. ************************************* Other NINJA WEAPONS made of paper, here: Other paper KUNAI: The rest of the different WEAPONS made of paper, here: Subscribe to the YouTube channel "Origami and diy A4 paper crafts": Link to this video: And most importantly, remember that every DIY or origami made with your own hands ennobles you a little, and the process of folding from paper teaches you to be attentive and patient, develops hand motor skills and awakens interest in creativity. Thank you for watching our diy video))) It will be just great if you write in the comments to this video whether you managed to make such a paper kunai, or maybe you have any wishes or suggestions for future crafts. Friends! Like and subscribe to the channel, and you will definitely have something to do in quarantine if you are bored at home ... *********************************** #diy #kunai #paper # a4 #naruto #cosplay #ninja #crafts *********************************** The video uses the following musical themes: 1) "Imperial Forces" by Aaron Kenny 2) "Ishikari Lore" by Kevin MacLeod Ishikari Lore Track License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (Artist: Kevin MacLeod): Source: Artist: