Channel: Janice Joostema
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: projects at homemodern arthow tobeautywhat to do in quarantineblogsbloggercovid19thingstodojanicejoostemajanicejoostemaafun hobbiesfun things to doat homehome artvancouverdo it yourselfinfluencerdiypainting from homemodelhow to paintcoronacreating artfashionbloghome decorjoostemahomebeautyblogupgrade homedo at homepaintingjanicevloghome projectsthings to do at homelos ángelesfashion
Description: Its DIY season! I know everyone has been searching on things to keep themselves occupied and I think creating art is a really fun experience and everyone should try it once in their life time! I purchased all my supplies from Michaels Canada (Canadian Art Supplies) but I am sure that everyone has a similar type of store that has art supplies. For USA you could use: Hobby Lobby, Michaels, and Joann If anyone has other suggestions for other countries, please let me know and I'll add it. For this art project I used: 1 x Plane White Canvas (You can also buy these in packs) 1 x Craft Smart Satin Acrylic Paint ( White ) 1 x Craft Smart Matte Paint ( Vanilla) 1 x Bag of Gold Flakes 1 x Medium Sized paint brush 1 x Insulation Foam ( I purchased it in Yellow, see if you can find it in white)