Channel: Janice Joostema
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: makeuplosangelesbloggerhowtodomakeupsimpleinstagramindiakimkvancouverdatenightparisinfluencerbrunettemodeltutorialbollywoodindiangirlselftaughteasymakeupenglandsimplelooks15minlookhowtohotlooktutorialmakeuptravelbloggermakeupartistssaudidubaijanice joostemadate nightacnecanadamuaguidemakeup
Description: Date Night Makeup Routine I am not a makeup artist, so yes I do things differently but it works for me! And yes, I had stress acne when I filmed this, I am human. And yes I know some of you found the music in my last makeup video annoying so this one is more subtle :) Love you guys xo