Channel: LeyzarGamingViews
Category: Gaming
Tags: how towarframedex furisbestdex furis pistolsformadex furis buildbest dex furis builddex furis build 2022warframe builddexleyzarwarframe gameplaytutorialguideleyzargamingleyzargamingviews2022steel path buildpistols buildpistolswarframe guidehunter munitionscritsteel pathbuildendgamefurisstatusrivengameplaygalvanized
Description: Dex Furis Build 2022 (Guide) - Gently BRRT The Target (Warframe Gameplay) The Dex Furis is a free weapon from the Warframe Anniversary event. It comes with a Orokin Catalyst preinstalled so all it needs to great is the correct build and mods. The Dex Furis can perform even against high level targets but it does have a few issues which will be outlined in the Steel Path Build but we'll also present the weapon general functionality and a new player friendly build to serve as a jumping off point. Warframe is a free-to-play action role-playing third-person shooter multiplayer online game developed and published by Digital Extremes. LeyzarGamingViews : Patreon: Discord Community : Donation: Twitch Page: Facebook: Twitter: #DexFuris #Warframe #BuildGuide