Channel: TheGameHuntah Gaming
Category: Gaming
Tags: boon doc slugthegamehuntah slug it out 2slugterra slug it out 2 fusion shotslugterra fusion shotsslugterra new slugsslugterra 2slug it out 2slugterra slug it out 2 fusion shotsthegamehuntahslugterra slug it out 2 fusionslugterraslug it outfusion shots slugterra slug it out 2fusion shots in slugterra slug it out 2boon doc darkfurnus fusion shotfusion shotdarkfurnus slugterraslugslugterra slug it out 2fusion shot darkfurnus boon doc
Description: We have FUSION SHOTS in Slug it Out 2 and today we are testing Boon Doc and darkfurnus #slugterra #Thegamehuntah Follow my livestreams here: 🎥 Youtube: 💗 Please use code HUNTAH at the Supercell store ! Clash of clans, Clash Royale and Brawl Stars, Thank you 💗 💲 SUPPORT THE CHANNEL ! DONATE HERE: 💲 Paypal: My livestreams: 🎥 Twitch: 🎥 Youtube: 💙For the latest news of the channel, follow me on social media TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: Do not forget to leave a like, if you like my work 👍