Channel: Auto Fetish Detail
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: darren priestdetail business start uphow to start detailing businessauto fetish detailauto detailing businesscar detailing business
Description: This impromptu video discusses the biggest problem with life: conforming. If we are honest with ourselves, how many of us are we playing the game of "following the followers"... also known as conformity. When it comes to every part of life, we generally look around and mimic those around us. The problem is that we are mimicking people who are also mimicking other people. If you have specific goals, you will never obtain them by playing this game of follow the followers. But seeking out the right teacher, mentor, or expert has become increasingly difficult due to technology. Now anyone can fabricate an existence out of thin air. Welcome to the "grifter economy" that is a growing problem if you are a beginner, looking to chart a course to a detail business. Endless voices all all telling you to follow them and their "expertise". The problem is that you won't have enough experience to ask the right questions, just as you will be very limited in your ability to recognize true competence and expertise. #autodetailingbusiness #detailbusinessstartup #startautodetailingbusiness Sign-up to the Detail Vault Newsletter and gain access to real-world expertise. This is my latest project which is still under construction, but you can get onto the list now by using this link and signing up to the newsletter: Earl Nightingale: The Strangest Secret in the World: