Channel: Official Steven Furtick
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: elevation church2022 shortssteven furtick sermonsmaking progress2022 sermonsmotivational shortsself improvementelevation church sermon clipspositioned for a purposewhen better feels backwardspastor steven furtickinspirational shorts2022 sermon clipsyoutube shortssteven furtick sermon clipssteven furtick shortselevation church shortssteven furtickshortselevation church sermons
Description: Declare this today: There is no better person to fulfill the purpose God has given me. This is an excerpt from "When Better Feels Backwards." To watch the full message from @Elevation Church, click here: #shorts #elevationchurch #stevenfurtick #2022sermon #youtubeshorts #whenbetterfeelsbackwards #makingprogress #onlinechurch #churchonline Positioned For A Purpose #Shorts | Steven Furtick