Channel: Brave Wilderness
Category: Pets & Animals
Tags: is it venomousanimal videovenomous snakedangerousnope ropeno step on snek!! how bad is a viper bite?snakespoisonoussnake milkingdeadlyvenomwhat does a snake bite look like?what happens ifanimalsdanger noodlesmoccasinno step on snekcoyote petersoneducationalsnake biterattle snakesfamily friendlyvideos for kidsbrave wildernesscotton mouthhow fast can a fer de lance kill you?black mambaviperanimal bitehuman blood vs snake venom
Description: This week, Coyote and the crew encounter the fer-de-lance, one of Costa Rica’s most dangerous pit vipers! One wrong step can lead to a venomous bite - they camouflage extremely well, making them very difficult to spot! Watch as Coyote, Mario, and the crew encounter this reptile, extract its venom, and mix it with Coyote’s blood! Brave Wilderness merch! - Support our mission! - The Brave Wilderness Channel is your one stop connection to a wild world of adventure and up-close animal encounters. SUBSCRIBE NOW and join the crew that brings you closer to the most beloved, bizarre and misunderstood creatures on Earth! Join our Discord! - See what Coyote is up to: Coyote Peterson on Instagram: Coyote Peterson on Facebook: Coyote Peterson on Twitter: PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REENACT OR RECREATE ANY EVENTS OR SCENES FROM OUR VIDEOS. THE ANIMALS, INSECTS, PLANT LIFE, AND TERRAIN FEATURED IN OUR VIDEOS CAN BE DANGEROUS AND CAN POSE A SIGNIFICANT RISK OF INJURY OR DEATH. The Brave Wilderness hosts and crew are professionally trained and routinely receive assistance from wildlife experts, guides, and safety personnel when filming to ensure the safety of our crew and all wildlife. No animals were harmed or removed from their natural habitat while making this video. Brave Wilderness has obtained permission to film in each location featured in this video.